
5 in 1

Also, I'm excited to announce that there will be a Roving Project show here in Knoxville coming up in October.

Artists include:

Saturday October 13, 6-10:00pm-ish
@ the historic Weigel House aka Monday House

2721 Asbury Lane
Knoxville, TN 37914


Help me win Art Takes Miami! 
yeah, right.

I did something I rarely do and paid to enter a competition.  Usually, that kind of feels just like taking money and throwing it up in the air and watching it get sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again.  Or rather, buying a lottery ticket...you know the odds are really bad, but the daydreams are nice for a while.  In the end you're minus a few bucks, had some fun crossing your fingers, but ultimately disappointed.

This one actually seems somewhat worthwhile considering who the judges are, so it would be great if ya'll could check it out, possibly enter yourself, and uh...vote for my portfolio :)