

Working at the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore

Studio in Hampden but I have decided to move out this winter. My studio practice seems to have shifted more toward having the TV/Music blaring- on my couch with a cup of coffee. I am going back to my roots as a child where art production happened on the living room floor with friends.

My own work has become much more focused on 1 image at time rather than than the typical photo series, I usually work with. The difficulty has been in making the work still cohesive enough to have a focus but not become a series or body of work in a whole. I am hoping to create a "database" of works that can interchange with one another over time. New pieces entering the work, old pieces reappearing and others being rotated- like how a curator would work with a collection. The work is still based around place, but has opened up more in order to bring in new ideas- then really working with editing down in the end rather than building up a body of work. Create loads of pieces then reduce that down, but not discarding the pieces I don't show (letting those pieces float around to re-contextualize other works) . I have been hiding the pieces for now, and will start to invite in critique when the organization process begins.

Collaborating with Sean still- in front of the TV, over beers, and on the phone. The image up top is a sketch for a piece that Peacock is doing at the Jordan Faye Contemporary next month. We are assembling places at the opening based on a spoken word, google earth, imagination, expectation, and what ever else comes into play. The actual construction of the work table will be much more modular, and easily fit in the back of a 2004 Toyota Tacoma.

Still love beer and fear wood stoves.

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